Monday, July 14, 2008

Transformers, More than Meets the Eye.

Transforming the Rigodon Ballroom into what we had in mind was an amazing feat. Even just thinking about it was overwhelming. 5 different worlds in one ballroom with limited space and capacity. The walls to divide each
world" were 16 feet high. It took Rupert 17 hours to build and paint. I was in the ballroom at midnight to see that everything was going fine and that there was progress with setting up. I didn't get to sleep until 11:00 am where a nap of 30 minutes was all I could afford. I saw the sunrise and how the empty ballroom was transformed into something so magnificent that when parted the curtains, I heard OOOHS and AAHHHSS. Only then did I feel that missing 26 hours of sleep was well worth it.

After the long night....5 worlds were upon us.

To all the staff of Rupert and Martin for the lights, THANK YOU WITH ALL OUR HEARTS.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like really hard work. Poor you that you stayed up all night. But by the looks of your photos, it seemed like you are very well rested. Ganda!