Thursday, April 30, 2009

Hoops I did it Again.

Gotta love them hoop earrings! Lately, I am going crazy over loop earrings. I am not sure exactly why but my guess is because since I don't go out much at night anymore, I sorta kinda mellowed down with how I dress. Simple shirt with a skirt, plain round neck with jeans, one piece dress with minimal details etc.... But with the loop earrings, I tend to make the simple outfit dressy enough for a lunch with friends or dinner out with the CandyMan.

There are so so so many ways to design the loop earrings. You can go crazy with the size, stones and price.

Beyonce is all about big ass loop earrings. Here are some of the photos of her wearing different kinds and sizes.

Here's Jul B. Dizon Jewellery's take on the loop earrings. Have your loop earrings done now.


Cristina said...

OOOH love it!!! Will make sure to see you next week.

Che said...

Cute post. Can I have something done that resemble the one Beyonce is wearing? What's your schedule?